Repealed on 11.7.2024 by Sch 1 of Family and Community Services Regulations 2024.

Version Format
(22 October 2018 - 10 July 2024, Authorised)
Download Historical 22.10.2018 - 10.07.2024 PDF
Authorised (187.8kb)
Download Historical 22.10.2018 - 10.07.2024 RTF
(11 October 2018 - 21 October 2018, Authorised)
Download Historical 11.10.2018 - 21.10.2018 PDF
Authorised (56.1kb)
Download Historical 11.10.2018 - 21.10.2018 RTF
(01 December 2016 - 10 October 2018, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.12.2016 - 10.10.2018 PDF
Authorised (52.7kb)
Download Historical 01.12.2016 - 10.10.2018 RTF
(01 September 2009 - 30 November 2016, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.09.2009 - 30.11.2016 PDF
Authorised (240.3kb)
Download Historical 01.09.2009 - 30.11.2016 RTF
(20 August 2009 - 31 August 2009, Authorised)
Download Historical 20.08.2009 - 31.08.2009 PDF
Authorised (240.5kb)
Download Historical 20.08.2009 - 31.08.2009 RTF

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