Expiry Program Information

Date of expiry: 1.9.2024 (original date of expiry, 1.9.2022, postponed under Legislative Instruments Act 1978).

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(04 May 2020 - 30 June 2020, Authorised)
Download Historical 04.05.2020 - 30.06.2020 PDF
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(01 July 2019 - 03 May 2020, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.07.2019 - 03.05.2020 PDF
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(01 July 2018 - 30 June 2019, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2019 PDF
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(01 July 2017 - 30 June 2018, Authorised)
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(01 July 2016 - 30 June 2017, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.07.2016 - 30.06.2017 PDF
Authorised (162.7kb)
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(21 November 2015 - 30 June 2016, Authorised)
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Authorised (162.7kb)
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(01 July 2015 - 20 November 2015, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.07.2015 - 20.11.2015 PDF
Authorised (152.7kb)
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(01 July 2014 - 30 June 2015, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.07.2014 - 30.06.2015 PDF
Authorised (152.2kb)
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(01 July 2013 - 30 June 2014, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.07.2013 - 30.06.2014 PDF
Authorised (150.8kb)
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(01 July 2012 - 30 June 2013, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.07.2012 - 30.06.2013 PDF
Authorised (149.4kb)
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(01 September 2011 - 30 June 2012, Authorised)
Download Historical 01.09.2011 - 30.06.2012 PDF
Authorised (148.5kb)
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(18 August 2011 - 31 August 2011, Authorised)
Download Historical 18.08.2011 - 31.08.2011 PDF
Authorised (148.9kb)
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The legislative history at the back of the regulations or rules provides detail about the past and future operation of the regulations or rules.

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