Responsible Minister

Minister for Planning: Gazette 30.6.2022 p1986

Attorney-General: Gazette 10.9.2020 p4560

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport: Gazette 29.7.2020 p4095

Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government: Gazette 23.8.2018 p3176

Attorney-General: Gazette 14.12.1993 p2965

This legislation is affected by amending provisions that have not yet come into operation or taken effect. Only amendments that have commenced are incorporated.

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(04 September 2006 - 30 April 2020, Authorised)
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(24 November 2003 - 03 September 2006, Authorised)
Download Historical 24.11.2003 - 03.09.2006 PDF
Authorised (282.2kb)
Download Historical 24.11.2003 - 03.09.2006 RTF
(14 September 1997 - 23 November 2003)
Download Historical 14.09.1997 - 23.11.2003 PDF
(17 October 1996 - 13 September 1997)
Download Historical 17.10.1996 - 13.09.1997 PDF
(01 May 1996 - 16 October 1996)
Download Historical 01.05.1996 - 16.10.1996 PDF
(04 May 1995 - 30 April 1996)
Download Historical 04.05.1995 - 30.04.1996 PDF
(06 June 1991 - 03 May 1995)
Download Historical 06.06.1991 - 03.05.1995 PDF

The legislative history at the back of the Act provides detail about the past and future operation of the Act.

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Subordinate Legislation

Proclamations and Notices made by the Governor 2003+
Proclamations 1976-2002
s 41AGazette 21.1.1999 p472
s 41AGazette 16.12.1999 p3328
s 41AGazette 27.1.2000 p502
s 41AGazette 9.3.2000 p1352
s 41AGazette 20.7.2000 p162
s 41AGazette 1.3.2001 p796
s 41AGazette 8.3.2001 p833
s 41AGazette 12.4.2001 p1582
s 41AGazette 27.9.2001 p4296
s 41AGazette 4.4.2002 p1502
s 41AGazette 14.11.2002 p4100