Program of consolidation

A-Z Acts are subject to a program of consolidation (incorporation of amendments). See Understanding legislation for more.

Divisional Penalties

See Divisional Penalties for a summary of the Divisional Penalties used by some Acts.

Browse current and historical versions (including ceased versions) with index information.

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The East-End Market Act 1872  - Ceased  - Act of limited application
Easter Act 1929  - Ceased
Easter (Repeal) Act 1994
Economic Development Act 1993  - Ceased
Economic Stability Act 1946  - Act of limited application
Education Act 1972  - Ceased
Education and Children's Services Act 2019
Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Act 2011
Egg Industry Stabilisation Act 1973  - Ceased
Eight Mile Creek Settlement (Drainage Maintenance) Act 1959  - Ceased
Eight Mile Creek Settlement (Drainage Maintenance) Act Repeal Act 1980
Elder Smith & Co. Limited Provident Funds Act 1963  - Act of limited application
Elder's Trustee and Executor Company Limited Provident Funds Act 1971  - Act of limited application
Election of Senators Act 1903
Electoral Act 1929  - Ceased
Electoral Act 1985
Electoral Districts (Redivision) Act 1954  - Act of limited application
Electoral Districts (Redivision) Act 1962  - Act of limited application
Electoral Districts (Redivision) Act 1969  - Act of limited application
Electrical Articles and Materials Act 1940  - Ceased
Electrical Products Act 1988  - Ceased
Electrical Products Act 2000
Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Act 1966  - Ceased
Electricity Act 1943  - Ceased
Electricity Act 1996
Electricity Corporations Act 1994
Electricity Corporations (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 1999
Electricity (Country Areas) Subsidy Act 1962  - Ceased
Electricity Supplies (Country Areas) Act 1950  - Ceased
Electricity Supply (Industries) Act 1963  - Ceased
Electricity Trust of South Australia Act 1946  - Ceased
The Electricity Trust of South Australia (Penola Undertaking) Act 1967  - Ceased
The Electricity Trust of South Australia (Torrens Island Power Station) Act 1962
Electronic Communications Act 2000
Electronic Conveyancing National Law (South Australia) Act 2013
Electronic Transactions Act 2000
Emergency Management Act 2004
Emergency Medical Treatment of Children Act 1960  - Ceased
Emergency Powers Act 1941  - Ceased
Emergency Services Funding Act 1998
Emergency Services Funding (Validation of Levy on Vehicles and Vessels) Act 2003
Employees Registry Offices Act 1915  - Ceased
Employment Agents Registration Act 1993
Emu Wine Companies (Transfer of Incorporation) Act 1976  - Act of limited application
The Encounter Bay, Goolwa, and Waitpinga Boundaries Act 1884  - Act of limited application
Encroachments Act 1944
Energy Products (Safety and Efficiency) Act 2000
Energy Resources Act 2000
Enfield General Cemetery Act 1944  - Ceased
Enfield General Cemetery (Exchange of Land) Act 1952  - Act of limited application
Enforcement of Judgments Act 1978  - Ceased
Enforcement of Judgments Act 1991
Environmental Protection Council Act 1972  - Ceased
Environment Protection Act 1993
Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1984
Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993
Equal Opportunity Act 1984
Essential Services Act 1981
Essential Services Commission Act 2002
The Estates Tail Act 1881
Eudunda and Morgan Railway (Discontinuance) Act 1970  - Act of limited application
Evidence Act 1929
Evidence (Affidavits) Act 1928  - Ceased
Excessive Rents Act 1962  - Ceased
Exchange of Land (Hundred of Noarlunga) Act 1959  - Act of limited application
Executors Company's Act 1885  - Ceased  - Act of limited application
Expiation of Offences Act 1987  - Ceased
Expiation of Offences Act 1996
Explosives Act 1936
Eyre Peninsula Land Purchase Act 1946  - Ceased

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