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Title Number
Valuation of Land (Fee Notices) Variation Regulations 2020 2020-152
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2005 2005-43
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2006 2006-112
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2007 2007-82
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2008 2008-151
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2009 2009-88
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2010 2010-117
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2011 2011-99
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2012 2012-58
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2013 2013-85
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2014 2014-107
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2015 2015-87
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2016 2016-83
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2017 2017-68
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2018 2018-66
Valuation of Land (Fees) Variation Regulations 2019 2019-46
Valuation of Land Regulations 2005 2005-169
Valuation of Land Regulations 2020 2020-237
Valuation of Land (Valuation Roll) Variation Regulations 2005 2005-126
Valuation of Land Variation Regulations 2003 2003-133
Valuation of Land Variation Regulations 2004 2004-104
Valuation of Land Variation Regulations 2009 2009-223
Valuation of Land Variation Regulations 2010 2010-17
Valuation of Land Variation Regulations 2013 2013-36
Veterinary Practice Regulations 2005 2005-202
Veterinary Practice Regulations 2017 2017-280
Veterinary Practice Variation Regulations 2014 2014-245
Veterinary Practice (Veterinary Treatment) Variation Regulations 2021 2021-77
Victims of Crime (Compensation) [No 30] Regulations 2004 2004-30
Victims of Crime (Compensation) Regulations 2003 2003-257
Victims of Crime (Compensation) Regulations 2004 2004-162
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Amendment Regulations 2022 2022-35
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Amendment Regulations 2023 2023-44
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Amendment Regulations 2024 2024-29
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Regulations 2003 2003-222
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Regulations 2018 2018-188
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Variation Regulations 2007 2007-190
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Variation Regulations 2008 2008-198
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Variation Regulations 2009 2009-193
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Variation Regulations 2010 2010-236
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Variation Regulations 2014 2014-31
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Variation Regulations 2015 2015-246
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Variation Regulations 2016 2016-185
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Variation Regulations 2020 2020-296
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) Variation Regulations 2021 2021-67
Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) (Young Offenders) Variation Regulations 2021 2021-184
Victims of Crime Regulations 2003 2003-167
Victims of Crime (Revocation of Criminal Injuries Compensation Regulations) Regulations 2017 2017-10
Victims of Crime (Statutory Compensation) (Application Requirements) Amendment Regulations 2023 2023-31
Victims of Crime (Statutory Compensation) (Offender Service) Variation Regulations 2019 2019-203
Victims of Crime (Statutory Compensation) Regulations 2004 2004-222
Victims of Crime (Statutory Compensation) Regulations 2019 2019-193
Victims of Crime (Statutory Compensation) Variation Regulations 2016 2016-190
Victims of Crime (Transitional) Regulations 2017 2017-9
Victims of Crime Variation Regulations 2003 2003-6
Voluntary Assisted Dying Regulations 2021 2021-166
Voluntary Assisted Dying Regulations 2022 2022-87
Volunteers Protection Regulations 2004 2004-195
Volunteers Protection Regulations 2019 2019-164

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