Browse Proclamations & Notices as made 2003+

Proclamations and notices in this database are in the form in which they were initially made by the Governor (amendments are not incorporated).

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Title Date gazetted
Waite Trust (Vesting of Land) Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2020 10.9.2020 p 4558
Water (Commonwealth Powers) Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2008 4.12.2008 p 5360
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2006 13.7.2006 p 2251
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (South Australia) Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2013 5.9.2013 p 3769
Water Industry Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2012 21.6.2012 p 2837
Water Industry Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2013 14.6.2013 p 2571
Water Industry Act (Relevant Day) Proclamation 2012 21.6.2012 p 2839
Water Industry (Third Party Access) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2016 16.6.2016 p 2108
Water Industry (Third Party Access) Proclamation 2016 16.6.2016 p 2109
Water Resources Act (Northern Adelaide and Barossa Catchment Water Management Board) Variation Proclamation 2004 22.7.2004 p 2599
Waterworks (Rates) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2009 25.6.2009 p 3001
West Beach Recreation Reserve (Boating Facilities) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2007 8.11.2007 p 4207
Wheat Marketing Act (Expiry) Proclamation 2013 1.8.2013 p 3322
Wilderness Protection (Billiatt Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2008 24.7.2008 p 3476
Wilderness Protection (Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2006 5.10.2006 p 3361
Wilderness Protection (Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2018 20.9.2018 p 3500
Wilderness Protection (Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2024 22.2.2024 p 192
Wilderness Protection (Danggali Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2009 28.5.2009 p 1846
Wilderness Protection (Hambidge Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2004 30.9.2004 p 3782
Wilderness Protection (Hincks Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2004 30.9.2004 p 3783
Wilderness Protection (Investigator Group Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2011 25.8.2011 p 3624
Wilderness Protection (Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2004 30.9.2004 p 3784
Wilderness Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2013 16.5.2013 p 1541
Wilderness Protection (Nullarbor Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2013 6.6.2013 p 2501
Wilderness Protection (Nullarbor Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2014 10.7.2014 p 3217
Wilderness Protection (Nuyts Archipelago Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2011 25.8.2011 p 3626
Wilderness Protection (Western River Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2006 5.10.2006 p 3662
Wilderness Protection (Yellabinna Wilderness Protection Area) Proclamation 2005 11.8.2005 p 3013
WorkCover Corporation (Governance) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2013 21.11.2013 p 4278
WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2008 26.6.2008 p 2555
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Employer Payments) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2011 15.12.2011 p 4989
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Employer Payments) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2012 29.3.2012 p 1294
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2008 18.12.2008 p 5655
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2008 2.10.2008 p 4749
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2008 25.9.2008 p 4576
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2008 26.6.2008 p 2556
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2009 26.3.2009 p 1154
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2009 19.3.2009 p 1060
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2009 28.5.2009 p 1843
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2009 15.10.2009 p 4873
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) (Relevant Day) Proclamation 2008 26.6.2008 p 2617
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) (Relevant Day) Proclamation 2008 18.12.2008 p 5661
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) (Relevant Day) Proclamation 2009 26.3.2009 p 1156
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) (Relevant Day) Proclamation 2009 28.5.2009 p 1847
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Self-Insured Employers) Variation Proclamation 2010 9.9.2010 p 4781
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Territorial Application of Act) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2006 14.12.2006 p 4364
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Territorial Application of Act) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2007 30.8.2007 p 3547
Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2024 7.3.2024 p 372

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