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Browse all Bills of the current session of Parliament, including Bills enacted, withdrawn or defeated.

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Cannabis Legalisation Bill 2022  - introduced by Hon Tammy Franks MLC
Casino (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2024
Children and Young People (Safety) (Child and Young Person's Visitor) Amendment Bill 2022  - introduced by Hon Sarah Game MLC
Child Sex Offenders Registration (Child-Related Work) Amendment Bill 2024
Civil Liability (BYO Containers) Amendment Bill 2022  - introduced by Hon Robert Simms MLC
Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction (Targets) Amendment Bill 2022  - introduced by David Speirs MP
Constitution (Countersigning) Amendment Bill 2024
Construction Industry Commissioner Bill 2022  - introduced by David Speirs MP
Construction Industry Training Fund (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2024
Controlled Substances (Destruction of Seized Property) Amendment Bill 2024
Controlled Substances (Nicotine) Amendment Bill 2022  - introduced by Hon Sarah Game MLC
Controlled Substances (Pure Amounts) Amendment Bill 2022
Courts Administration (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2023
Criminal Assets Confiscation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2024
Criminal Law Consolidation (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill 2023
Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations—Prescribed Places) Amendment Bill 2023
Criminal Law Consolidation (Human Remains) Amendment Bill 2022
Criminal Law Consolidation (Recruiting Children To Commit Crime) Amendment Bill 2024
Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Predation Offences) Amendment Bill 2024  - introduced by Josh Teague MP
Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing) Amendment Bill 2024
Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Additional High Risk Offenders) Amendment Bill 2024
Criminal Procedure (Monitoring Orders) Amendment Bill 2022
Cross Border Commissioner Bill 2022

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