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Title Number
Parliamentary Committees (Membership of Committees) Amendment Act 2010 2010-1
Parliamentary Committees (Petitions) Amendment Act 2019 2019-16
Parliamentary Committees (Referral of Petitions) Amendment Act 2024 2024-17
Parliamentary Remuneration (Basic Salary) Amendment Act 2011 2011-47
Parliamentary Remuneration (Basic Salary) Amendment Act 2012 2012-15
Parliamentary Remuneration (Determination of Remuneration) Amendment Act 2015 2015-24
Parliamentary Remuneration (Non-monetary Benefits) Amendment Act 2004 2004-39
Parliamentary Remuneration (Powers of Remuneration Tribunal) Amendment Act 2003 2003-34
Parliamentary Remuneration (Restoration of Provisions) Amendment Act 2004 2004-47
Parliamentary Superannuation (Scheme for New Members) Amendment Act 2005 2005-43
Parliament (Joint Services) (Staffing) Amendment Act 2017 2017-29
Partnership (Venture Capital) Amendment Act 2008 2008-44
Partnership (Venture Capital Funds) Amendment Act 2005 2005-15
Passenger Transport (Dissolution of Passenger Transport Board) Amendment Act 2003 2003-54
Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2004 2004-35
Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Renewable Energy) Amendment Act 2014 2014-12
Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Use of Pastoral Land) Amendment Act 2024 2024-9
Payroll Tax Act 2009 2009-22
Payroll Tax (Exemption for Small Business) Amendment Act 2018 2018-21
Pay-roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Act 2008 2008-20
Payroll Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2012 2012-50
Payroll Tax (Nexus) Amendment Act 2010 2010-4
Penola Pulp Mill Authorisation Act 2007 2007-40
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009 2009-47
Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Ban on Hydraulic Fracturing) Amendment Act 2018 2018-24
Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Energy Resources) Amendment Act 2023 2023-34
Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Transitional Licences) Amendment Act 2012 2012-34
Petroleum (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2009 2009-35
Petroleum Products Subsidy Act Repeal Act 2009 2009-23
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2004 2004-50
Pharmacy Practice Act 2007 2007-7
Physiotherapy Practice Act 2005 2005-26
Pitjantjatjara Land Rights (Executive Board) Amendment Act 2004 2004-25
Pitjantjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2005 2005-52
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 2016-14
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Commencement of Code) Amendment Act 2020 2020-5
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (State Planning Policy) (Biodiversity) Amendment Act 2017 2017-58
Plant Health Act 2009 2009-2
Plastic Shopping Bags (Waste Avoidance) Act 2008 2008-45
Plebiscite (South East Council Amalgamation) Act 2022 2022-10
Podiatry Practice Act 2005 2005-9
Police Complaints and Discipline Act 2016 2016-60
Police (Drug Testing) Amendment Act 2017 2017-48
Police (GST Exemption) Amendment Act 2013 2013-27
Port Pirie Racecourse Site Amendment Act 2016 2016-1
Port Pirie Smelting Facility (Lead-In-Air Concentrations) Act 2013 2013-38
Powers of Attorney and Agency (Interstate Powers of Attorney) Amendment Act 2013 2013-39
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Act 2008 2008-21
Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004 2004-20
Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2005 2005-11
Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Constitution of Council) Amendment Act 2007 2007-42
Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Variation of Constitution) Amendment Act 2010 2010-27
Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Act 2007 2007-55
Private Parking Areas (Shopping Centre Parking Areas) Amendment Act 2022 2022-18
Problem Gambling Family Protection Orders Act 2004 2004-10
Professional Standards Act 2004 2004-45
Professional Standards (Mutual Recognition) Amendment Act 2010 2010-16
Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 2003 2003-17
Protective Security Act 2007 2007-25
Public Corporations (Subsidiaries) Amendment Act 2013 2013-73
Public Finance and Audit (Certification of Financial Statements) Amendment Act 2007 2007-32
Public Finance and Audit (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2018 2018-10
Public Finance and Audit (Refund or Recovery of Small Amounts) Amendment Act 2007 2007-12
Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Act 2015 2015-3
Public Holidays Act 2023 2023-39
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018 2018-26
Public Intoxication (Review Recommendations) Amendment Act 2016 2016-51
Public Sector Act 2009 2009-37
Public Sector (Data Sharing) Act 2016 2016-61
Public Sector Management (Chief Executive Accountability) Amendment Act 2005 2005-25
Public Sector Management (Consequential) Amendment Act 2009 2009-38
Public Sector (Ministerial Travel Reports) Amendment Act 2023 2023-40

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