Browse Acts as made 2003+

As made Acts are in the form in which they were initially made (amendments are not incorporated). See As made (numbered) legislation for more.

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Title Number
Dangerous Substances (LPG Cylinder Labelling) Amendment Act 2021 2021-22
Defamation Act 2005 2005-50
Defamation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2020 2020-41
Dental Practice (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2006 2006-31
Development (Assessment Procedures) Amendment Act 2007 2007-17
Development (Building Rules Consent—Disability Access) Amendment Act 2011 2011-35
Development (Building Safety) Amendment Act 2006 2006-38
Development (Control of External Painting) Amendment Act 2009 2009-68
Development (Development Plans) Amendment Act 2006 2006-25
Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2005 2005-79
Development (Panels) Amendment Act 2006 2006-15
Development (Planning and Development Review) Amendment Act 2009 2009-1
Development (Private Certification) Amendment Act 2012 2012-53
Development (Regulated Trees) Amendment Act 2009 2009-56
Director of Public Prosecutions (Pension Entitlements) Amendment Act 2019 2019-18
Disability Inclusion Act 2018 2018-1
Disability Inclusion (Restrictive Practices—NDIS) Amendment Act 2021 2021-18
Disability Inclusion (Review Recommendations) Amendment Act 2024 2024-22
Disability Services (Rights, Protection and Inclusion) Amendment Act 2013 2013-66
Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2004 2004-18
Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2016 2016-33
Dog Fence (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2005 2005-45
Dog Fence (Payments and Rates) Amendment Act 2016 2016-19
Dried Fruits Repeal Act 2003 2003-42
Dust Diseases Act 2005 2005-78

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