As made legislation can be browsed in lists organised alphabetically (based on the first letter of short titles) or by the calendar year in which the as made legislation was made.
Separate lists are maintained for Acts, Regulations and Rules, and Proclamations and Notices.
As made legislation reflects the form in which a piece of legislation was initially made:
- Acts are as originally passed by Parliament and assented to by the Governor
- Regulations and Rules are as made by the Governor
- Proclamations and Notices made by the Governor are as originally published in the Gazette
- Aquaculture and Environment Protection Policies are as originally published in the Gazette.
Amendments are not incorporated into as made versions of legislation.
As made Acts, Regulations and Rules have a number assigned to them that reflects the calendar year, and order within that year, in which they were made.
For example, a piece of legislation with the number 2020-4 is the fourth piece of that type of legislation made in calendar year 2020.
The number on as made Proclamations and notices is a date and page reference for the edition of the SA Government Gazette in which they were published.
See As made and A-Z legislation for more information about the numbering of as made legislation.
Most legislation makes changes to existing legislation rather than creating new areas of law.
This type of legislation is known as amending legislation.
Examples of amending Acts, amending (historically called 'variation') Regulations and Rules, and even (though uncommon) amending Proclamations and Notices can be found on this website.
When legislation does establish a new area of law, or repeal and replace a piece of legislation dealing with an area of law, it is known as 'principal legislation'. See A-Z legislation pages (Acts, Regulations & Rules and Proclamations & Notices) for more information.
When new principal legislation (a piece of legislation that details all matters related to a particular government policy or area of law) is published 'as made', its entry in an as made list will link to its corresponding A-Z legislation entry. If this legislation has been amended, the as made version is the first historical version on its A-Z homepage.
The contents of alphabetical or annual lists of as made legislation can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically (the order in which the legislation on the list was made). For example, the list of As made Acts beginning with the letter A could be sorted by their short titles, or by
The as made lists for Acts, and Regulations and Rules made by the Governor, should be used to access copies of amending legislation because amending legislation is not included in A-Z lists. This allows users to review the text of amending legislation published as it was made before it has come into operation and been added to the text of principal legislation in this website's A-Z lists.
For technical reasons, the homepages for as made commencement proclamations will indicate those proclamations are made under the Act they are commencing rather than the Legislation Interpretation Act 2021.
Occasionally, proclamations are made under an amending Act (for example, this might be necessary for the purposes of transitional provisions).
The homepages for these proclamations will indicate they are made under the principal Act that is being amended rather than the amending Act under which they are made. This creates a discrepancy between the information on the proclamation's homepage and the information within the text of its PDF and RTF versions.